zondag 26 september 2010
Tips voor manager in spe
1. De grote valkuil : denken dat het een eer om een leidinggevende positie worden aangeboden. Elke staat moet het niet doen .
2. Zeg nee als je plezier hebt in je huidige baan, omdat er niets kan verslaan.
3. Heel belangrijk hoe je verandert communiceren in de organisatie.
zaterdag 25 september 2010
Word een goede manager: tips van een rugbycoach
Woodward spreekt uit ervaring . Voor de niet rugby kenners : hij was in de jaren tachtig internationale voor de Britse rugby team en coachte de Engeland rugby union team 1997 tot 2004 . In 2003 won de Britse onder zijn leiding de wereld kampioenschappen. Hij werkte jarenlang bij Xerox in Australië en begon hij terug naar Engeland zijn eigen IT-bedrijf.
Ondertussen geeft hij lezingen , bijvoorbeeld , managers die willen weten hoe een groep van rugby mannen aanstuurde . Een van zijn geheimen : "Team schip.
In zijn vijfde bijdrage aan de Times -serie, legt hij uit wat dat is , de manager is de baas , maar het team dat hij de regels op. De manager en de leden van zijn team zijn altijd onderwerpen die op de tafel, maar de manager beslist. De "Code "geeft het team een eigen identiteit.
Deze manier van werken , volgens de sportcoach een aantal belangrijke voordelen: het schept harmonie, zijn nieuwkomers snel op de hoogte van het bedrijf en volgens Woodward , kunt u op deze manier ambitieuze doelstellingen.
Voorbeelden? Een van de eerste regels die rugby onder zijn leiderschap samen trok, is op tijd . Volgens de Woodward ' te laat respectloos : collega's die op tijd hun tijd verdoen in de Kamer .
Als je de beste wilt, moet je op tijd komen , zegt hij. Woodward en zijn team besloten samen dat te laat nog niet klaar was. De atleten besloten later dat tien minuten te vroeg was beter . "Als ik deze regel had gesteld , was er een conflict. "
Bron: TimesOnline
Vijf dingen die u als leidinggevende moet kunnen
1. Delegeren
In de rol van manager bent u minder met de dagelijkse praktijk betrokken en een hoger niveau afdeling proberen te functioneren. Een goede leider is dus een minimale inhoudelijke taken zelf helpen in plaats van zijn of haar personeel voor alle taken mogelijk zelfstandig uit te voeren . Volgens Gary Topchick , auteur van "Plotseling manager werknemers bij in vijf fasen , van junior tot senior associate .
- In fase 1 , de focus fase maakt de medewerker veel fouten en vereist veel aandacht van de manager.
- In fase 2 , de blinde zeilen fase wordt de medewerker gemotiveerd, maar mist hem of haar de juiste kennis en vaardigheden.
- In fase 3 , de stabiele fase , werkt de werknemer , terwijl zelfstandig , maar op een gemiddeld niveau .
- In fase 4 , de groeifase , voert de werknemer bij hoge tot zeer hoge niveaus.
- In fase 5 , het doen fase, heeft de medewerker uitstekend en is ze misschien de inhoud zelfs beter dan de manager.
Uw doel als manager is om ervoor te zorgen dat de meeste mensen in fase 4 of 5 , zodat zij goed zelfstandig kan functioneren en u als manager dus ruimte hebben voor u op de grote (re ) lijnen te concentreren . Uw medewerkers te groeien naar fase 4 en 5, door opleiding, begeleiding , of training on the job van een meer ervaren medewerker .
2. Het geven van feedback
Feedback te geven heeft alleen zin als de tijdige en specifiek. Niet wachten om feedback te geven aan het jaarlijkse functioneringsgesprek . Als je na een half jaar een reactie op eerder werk , maak je bedrogen voelen. Ook worden specifieke voorbeelden geven en na te denken of laat de andere zelf te overwegen een betere aanpak. 'Je bent te langzaam "help de ander niet tot betere prestaties te bereiken. Bovendien putten positieve feedback meer, zelfs negatieve feedback een stuk makkelijker om te geven.
3. Motiveren
Zonder gemotiveerde medewerkers blijven alle verantwoordelijkheden niet op de schouders van de manager liggen. Motivatie bestaat grotendeels uit twee dingen: actief luisteren en vragen stellen. Van actief luisteren - of open vragen, door vragen en af en toe samenvatten wat de ander zegt - spreekt waardering. Door te vragen wat de ander net nodig heeft om gemotiveerd en geëngageerd zijn om te werken, je weet wat die persoon precies motiveert doen.
4. Positieve werksfeer
Een positief klimaat geeft energie , negativiteit kost energie . Een positieve werkomgeving te maken heeft met het creëren van een prettige , open sfeer waarin medewerkers op hun gemak voelen . In zulke vriendelijke sfeer durft een werknemer toe te geven fouten en collega's te spreken. Om een positieve omgeving te creëren , u als manager , een goed voorbeeld en laat je ruimte voor informele gesprekken . Behandeling is het toverwoord . Motiveren van werknemers is vooral een kwestie van praten met elkaar en vragen wat de ander motiveert.
5. Beslist
Een cruciaal element in de verantwoordelijkheden van de manager is het nemen van beslissingen . beslissing te nemen men zich door vijf fasen.
- Het begint met het analyseren van het probleem.
- dan de inventaris van de opties.
- Dan weeg je een optie tegen een ander .
- Nadat u een keuze maken en .
- dat besluit beoordeelt u
Het helpt om de fasen te scheiden in te trekken of om het dilemma uit te leggen aan een onpartijdige partij. Te veel keuze te helpen weer niet , volgens psychologen , zijn we niet gebouwd. voor moeilijke beslissers , er zijn gelukkig een aantal boeken om te beslissen. Voor de beslissers die echt niet zelf omgaan met dit of de hele harde besluiten is er ook beschikking software, met alle voors en tegens tegen elkaar afgewogen voortgebracht .
Bron: vkbanen
Acht tips om doeltreffend leiding te geven
1. Wees proactief
Pro-actief betekent volgens Covey vooral de vrijheid om keuzes te maken gebaseerd op beginselen te maken. Proactieve mensen te waarschuwen het slachtoffer en de schuld voor de problemen bij anderen.
2. Houd uw doelen in gedachten
ooit weten heel goed wat je wilt het doel te bereiken , des te duidelijker en je kunt concentreren .
3. Bepaal wat voor u belangrijk is
Organiseer uw leven en werk rondom uw eigen prioriteiten en niet rond die van anderen.
4. Denk win - win
Voordeel voor alle partijen maakt alles makkelijker. Denken in termen van overvloed en mogelijkheden , niet de schaarste en de concurrentie .
5. Anderen begrijpen voordat u ze wilt te begrijpen
Te veel leiders keren deze regel om en bereiken zo niets. Die kunnen luisteren verhoogd tot begrip en inzicht in de opvattingen van anderen , zodat hij haar eigen mening te formuleren .
6. Zorgen voor synergie
Waarderen en respecteren verschillen . Beperkingen kunnen worden gecompenseerd door goed gecoördineerd teamwerk.
7. Houd jezelf voortdurend gericht
Zorg voor groei en innovatie in de vier aspecten van uw menselijk gedrag : mentaal, sociaal-emotioneel , spiritueel en fysiek . Deze vier elementen beïnvloeden elkaar en leiden tot harmonie.
8. Zoek uit wat je boeit , inspireert en vervult
De kans is groot dan heb je het meest effectief . Hetzelfde geldt voor uw medewerkers. Denk aan hen als mensen en niet als middel .
Bron: Dr Covey
Arbeidsvoldoening werkenden onderzocht
During the study, 1387 employed a questionnaire. Among them were 329 people who manage other employees. The survey could anonymously be completed over the Internet.
The people who receive guidance , a number of positive statements about their supervisor for approval.
Only 21 % think their leadership is often compliments , 19 % can agree with the statement that leading no one is .
According less than one quarter , the manager usually good measures.
The executives themselves see it quite differently : 55 % of them say often commend to give and 46 % pulls their own words no one .
Source : BNR
Each manager has a leadership style , a style that him most attracts . By understanding your own leadership style , you not only learn what effect you apply to your employees but also how you style can change . There are styles of leadership:
1 . command style
The supervisor tells how and where the employee the tasks to perform . This is clearly a form of one-way. The manager communicates to the employee .
2 . The convincing style
The supervisor provides direction to and remains the performance of duties closely monitor , but tries a ( limited) two-way to achieve. The manager explains decisions , solicits suggestions and motivates the employee by the intentions to show.
3 . Participatory style
The supervisor encourages and supports employees in the exercise of their duties by them as much space, information and responsibility. Problems are solved and decisions are taken after consultation.
4 . The delegation style
The manager gives the purpose or desired result of the task , but staff must independently fulfill. The employee behind picks up the problems and solutions of these problems .
There is not a leadership style that under all circumstances is right . Often you work with a variety of genres. The easier ( flexible) you can switch between the four leadership styles , the better.
vrijdag 24 september 2010
De betere manager heeft vrouwelijke én mannelijke kant
Managers should a little more patient be
Uw team motiveren
When people are not professional recognition , they close in themselves on and to exert self- criticism . They blame themselves for the worst and may even resign . Therefore it is important to "thank you "or " fine " to say. And when a high-performing person in the service , it's worse to assume that his performance self as good . Without a sign of appreciation , he will think that his work and all efforts are in vain .
In the world of work is a fact that at some point some criticism be able to handle . Managers must this in mind keep when they certain behaviors try to improve that they do not focus on negative aspects , but counseling and the positive emphasize . Some workers lose heart and is afraid to go work and back a whole day criticism to swallow .
Value and acknowledge the achievements of your employees. praise lose But their value if there are too many shows . Poor managers congratulations on a sterile manner , if they do not know how they towards anyone should behave . It may happen that you have a sensitive employee who no knows his way with constructive criticism , exaggerated congratulates . Poor managers make the mistake of someone to lavish congratulations , , or they make compliments before and after a reprimand . People pay more attention to the criticism that 'in the middle 'is .
It is important that people distinguish themselves by their success within the group. When they are automatically embedded in praise of others, run the best workers the risk demotivated to get . Managers must ensure people do not congratulate for the work they every day have done , and that in any case normal. When they the same amount of work perform as others and we them for it congratulate , there's no reason they more responsibility would want .
While wage increases are measured , these are not the only way someone to motivate , sometimes there are equally important other elements. Of those who a counter offer receive as an incentive not to leave, take ¾ within 6 months anyway resigned .
Hard work ?
Do your employees worth ? Are they motivating tasks? Do you use their abilities ? Objectives and challenges to ensure you always get the best out of your employees can get . Establishing goals is essential to move forward , because people tend less enthusiastic to be .
Diversity can some life bring into routine of a somewhat monotonous work. For example, activities provided have in the open air , keep in mind that they are suitable for everyone and make sure that no one be afraid to be humiliated . Ill-considered actions , even if their objective is , people to relax will just have the opposite effect .
In a workplace where all must work according to the book ( internal policies) and surplus lines , creates an atmosphere where employees the boss blame that he such rules imposes or him their frustration blame . Poor atmosphere often results from such strict rules , the workers have the impression on eggshells to walk - it can be combated by communication encouraging through internal meetings, and personal development through better capture the targets .
Heavy fighting
While the competitive spirit among employees as a good thing is considered to be to certain less aggressive employees bring himself pushed aside to feel . They turn against each other and the competition is frustrating. The competition may not be " serious " taken to be and who is rather less well in the battle to attract deserves a pat on the back . Colleagues turn against each other when they see a manager a determines team favors . Yelling who does something wrong , solves no problems but will the opposite create .
Goals and ideals set is extremely motivating to meet the standards of the rest of the company. The expectations are as simple as letting people know what time the morning they must begin to comply . You can someone not ask to meet your expectations if they do not know . If this does not too much paperwork entail , you can your standards write .
This is no magic formula for the perfect employee creating , but there are several techniques that make it possible expectations to discuss . The key ingredient for staff to stay interesting is communication and good listeners. Continuing to listen to the individual needs and maintain a good level of communication are key factors .
Sollicitant hoopt op gesprek met leidinggevende
Intelligence Group in early November for the Labour force Survey ( AGO) about 1360 people. Nine out of ten respondents said they a job at a table want sitting with a supervisor or manager . Especially the educated think this is important . They want to know who you them are dealing .
This study shows that over 50 percent of the organizations the manager is not present at the interview .
Acht tips om uw medewerkers te motiveren
People motivate themselves
Motivating people can not really but you can as a manager do create the conditions in which people themselves motivate . The key to self-motivation in the notion of "communication" and depends on your skill it as a manager. Because motivation very close to demotivation is find below some practical communication tips with which you the conditions can create to optimally motivated employees .
Tip 1 : Intangible reward working longer
Do not make the mistake of your resort to a financial reward. The effect is usually of short duration. Encouraging your employees to take responsibility works better . Let them know you it appreciate when someone initiatives shows .
Tip 2 : Participation in work
Give your employees , wherever possible , the chance to decide how they their work should do and not always through the way you would choose . If both the work and the way it should be carried out establish the are you trying to " assembly-line workers "to create and this has a disastrous effect on one's motivation .
Tip 3 : Be open to ideas
Put the suggested by employees ideas not just next to you down . Listen carefully to their ideas and ask appropriate explanation. Although the idea not to apply it is still wise to your staff encourage to continue providing ideas. Compliment someone always the put forward idea.
Tip 4 : Check
One of the biggest demotivator is the lack of information. Inform your employees , preferably in advance , to avoid unnecessary uncertainties , doubts and fears removed. Do not jump : "You do whether want they not know " . Provide multi - channel , not just informed through a newsletter, e - mail , text messages , but also by personal action , individually and / or a group.
Tip 5 : Objectives
Do not be vague in setting goals , be specific , using the tip of 4. Remember , the better you informed about the objectives of the company and your personal goals , there will be less gespeculeerdover your intentions .
Tip 6 : Compliment
Do not think : " If I do not say know my people that I am satisfied . " Because then you turn the ball completely wrong. Every man needs appreciation and you can give in the form of a compliment. Do not give faint praise but be it specific. see someone something right has done , compliment immediately and tell why they the compliment have deserve .
Tip 7 : Our word is our
As a manager you live in a glass cage and your staff keep you closely . Strengthen their motivation through you always your appointments keep and keep the rules that you have prepared. Be consistent !
Tip 8 : Delete useless meetings
If your employees are already very busy , their motivation jeopardized their routine meetings or other meetings to attend so their workload is increasing . Therefore ask you whether the meeting is really necessary and whether everyone there the whole time should be.
Phil H. Small Money
donderdag 23 september 2010
Leiderschap en inzetbaarheid
Handige tips voor elke teamleader
- Adjust your leadership style to to the needs of the team. Some teams are accustomed to very independently working . In this case it makes no sense to suddenly as school / - teacher going action.
- Support your team. As team leader representing your team . It is important to the team stands up and their efforts supports .
Keep believing in the capabilities of your team. Nothing is as demoralizing as a team leader who it myself does not like . - Communicate with your team , let them know that they get it from you and that you listen to them .
- Create one open atmosphere where people each other better can get to know and feel at ease.
- Appreciate the efforts of your team ( members) . When people feel like they are doing , they will more motivated be .
- People who each other 's or feathers know work harder together. It is recommended that teams working hours much time together to spend . In this way, the reluctance quickly overcome , as regards cooperation can only benefit .
- Encourage new initiatives and creative ideas.
- A team will be the better when both individual members and the team as a whole has the opportunity to learn .
- Leave of the beginning your authorities feel. That is certainly an not authoritative manner. This avoids that the team your authority would undermine .
- It makes no sense for people tasks to perform which they do not feel good . " The right person in the right place ' is certainly within your team .
- Conflicts and problems are in even the best teams inevitable . It is important to have positively to deal with it . At the moment it's probably not a comfortable situation, but most problems can you and your team learn a lot . You can personalize the situation as a trigger for change .
- Do not wait to intervene when you see signs of negative behavior , troubles or difficulties within the group noted . Important is to make sure those moments firmly the reins to hold otherwise derail the situation before you know it .
- Dare to admit when you yourself in the wrong have gone .
- Be straightforward. Open and clear communication certainly plays to your advantage . That does not mean you your self can lose . How difficult it sometimes is to stay calm , the only way to keep your leadership credibility .
- One day , the other not, and will ever happen that the team or the team as a whole negative bias is . Then have to watch out for a negative mood is very bad for new initiatives. It is better to important decisions postpone .
- Pak problems , not the people!
- Criticizing your best in a constructive way . Mistakes happen and difficult situations will occur but as a team leader you have to make adjustments where necessary.
- Sometimes no different and you act decisively.
Source : Vacature.com
Je medewerkers motiveren: enkele nuttige tips
Motivation from the outside comes is called extrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation alone is not. Besides extrinsic motivation , there is also such a thing as "intrinsic" motivation , motivation that from the employee comes . That motivation comes down to " a pleasant sense of passion " , and weighs much more heavily than the reward . Inner motivation is much more intense than do something because there is a nice reward . If you internally motivated are , you'll also the job itself enjoy .
Motivation is all about people
It is not enough that you have the knowledge and skills of your staff can assess . You must also interested in their character , history , even their development personally. This means that as a manager on a regular basis with your staff to talk . You must show interest in matters not directly anything with work to do . Besides the employee is the man important . Find out how it works, then you have a great deal further. Motivation is about people .
Motivate from yourself : Tips
- Show that you trust your employees have.
- Let your employees choose to do the dirty jobs .
- Help a helping hand.
- Show interest and interest in the person behind the employee.
- Use clear but reasonable agreements .
- Get your commitments .
- Be consistent in rewarding and disciplining employees.
- Motivate from work.
- Provide challenging assignments.
- Involve your employees in decisions .
- Encourage your employees to think .
- Give them tasks they do best.
- Give them tasks that they like to do .
- Motivate from extras.
- Part bonuses .
- If the additional burden is , make the break for a treat .
- Move old people in the flowers .
- Do after work something fun all together .
- Let your employees take a course .
Motivate is customization
You know your employees . You know what their skills are and you understand the person behind the employee. Then it comes down to respond to that knowledge. Everyone recognition and appreciation needs , but while one a pat on the back enough, wants another one - literally - more pronounced appreciation . One employee likes to a remit have that is not modified, while another worker just variety look up . Motivation is not just about people, but also customized .
Source : VDAB
Je medewerkers motiveren
In the Oxford motivation as " the totality of factors ( including impulses and motives ) which behavior encouraged and focused is .
But what does that actually mean?
The easiest way to explain what motivation is clear what it certainly not is. Motivation is not a character trait or personal characteristic . It is not that some people it have and others not. What is it ? Motivation is the willingness to make an effort -in this case , for the company.
In psychology there is no comprehensive motivation theory of . But there is evidence of three aspects that most definitions are discussed : motivation causes behavior ' activated ' , 'direction will "and" sustained or even stopped .
Your job well is not just a matter of knowledge and ability . You also want it. And that has to do with knowledge and skills. Prepared with motivation, dedication and confidence.
A motivated employee will almost always perform better . However , motivation can derail . Too little motivation leads to sluggishness and sloppiness . Too many motivation results in the self- not in perspective. Everything must give way to their own opinion. And that is not productive .
the same you risk by an excessive emotional involvement. about Enthusiastic workers sometimes forget that the mind its benefits has , with all its consequences.
Punishment is demoralizing
In a lot of business people are "punished" when a specific task is not properly implemented . Now you do not have genius to be to know that punishment rather discouraging than motivating. Punishment as a motivational factor has its better days had . And rightly so.
What do your best not!
roar is not the only demotivating factor. Adapt the following points , then you in no time guaranteed a desperate and quenched team .
1 . Shave all your employees with the same brush . Diversity ? Never heard of it.
2 . Give vague and unclear answers when employees ask what you expect from them .
3 . Volume orders .
4 . Put your employees against each other . Hits the minds and awaken the internal competition to .
5 . Feedback , what's that ?
6 . Make promises you can not or will meet .
7 . Meeting at the least and the least . Ask a comprehensive report of each meeting.
8 . Swear to a set of redundant rules. District is under no circumstances from.
9 . Provide an unclear organizational structure. Who does what, who is accountable to whom? Actually you know it yourself.
Source : VDAB