donderdag 23 september 2010

Je medewerkers motiveren: enkele nuttige tips

Now that we your best do not do to your employees motivate , the obvious question : what motivates him then? An employee or slavishly do what of him is asked , because the boss wants, or because he a lot is paid , but the motivation is then not from within.

Motivation from the outside comes is called extrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation alone is not. Besides extrinsic motivation , there is also such a thing as "intrinsic" motivation , motivation that from the employee comes . That motivation comes down to " a pleasant sense of passion " , and weighs much more heavily than the reward . Inner motivation is much more intense than do something because there is a nice reward . If you internally motivated are , you'll also the job itself enjoy .

Motivation is all about people
It is not enough that you have the knowledge and skills of your staff can assess . You must also interested in their character , history , even their development personally. This means that as a manager on a regular basis with your staff to talk . You must show interest in matters not directly anything with work to do . Besides the employee is the man important . Find out how it works, then you have a great deal further. Motivation is about people .

Motivate from yourself : Tips
- Show that you trust your employees have.
- Let your employees choose to do the dirty jobs .
- Help a helping hand.
- Show interest and interest in the person behind the employee.
- Use clear but reasonable agreements .
- Get your commitments .
- Be consistent in rewarding and disciplining employees.
- Motivate from work.
- Provide challenging assignments.
- Involve your employees in decisions .
- Encourage your employees to think .
- Give them tasks they do best.
- Give them tasks that they like to do .
- Motivate from extras.
- Part bonuses .
- If the additional burden is , make the break for a treat .
- Move old people in the flowers .
- Do after work something fun all together .
- Let your employees take a course .

Motivate is customization
You know your employees . You know what their skills are and you understand the person behind the employee. Then it comes down to respond to that knowledge. Everyone recognition and appreciation needs , but while one a pat on the back enough, wants another one - literally - more pronounced appreciation . One employee likes to a remit have that is not modified, while another worker just variety look up . Motivation is not just about people, but also customized .

Source : VDAB

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